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Reflective Frame 5x7
Michael Aram

Reflective Frame 5x7



The Lotus Collection by Michael Aram takes its inspiration from the mystical and serene symbolism associated with aquatic imagery.
To quote the designer, Michael Aram: My emotional response to water is very strong - heightened by the extreme sensations surrounding the smell, sound, sight, and touch of the aquatic world itself. Water-related images provide me with a sense of peace and balance. As the tides roll in and out, as the sun rises and sets, the landscape of water also changes and evolves. There is a universe in, under, and around the water which has its own visual vocabulary.
Bridging the gap between the artist and artisan is a hallmark of Michael Aram's work. The handmade quality of the work allows it to shift beautifully between the realm of fine and decorative art.

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(604) 875-0611
4391 Main Street, Vancouver, BC, V5V 3R1

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