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Body Gelato- Rose Petal

Body Gelato- Rose Petal



~240 g • Y’know what’s better than a bed of roses? A bath of roses. Even better? When those roses live inside Saltspring’s original Body Gelato®. Truth be told, others try to make something similar. That’s OK. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery definition. But, this is the real deal.

For some, a bath is just a bath. We feel great empathy for those people. They know not what they’re missing. If they tried our ultimate body scrub, they’d appreciate the special magic that happens when pure sea salts, rich butters, and essential oils get together for a private soirée.

Body Gelato® scrubs away all that yucky old skin that you want gone. In doing so, it cleans you up plum good, and reveals fresh new skin. (If you want to be fancy, just replace the word “skin” with “epidermis.”) All the while, it’s nourishing and moisturizing your… that’s right, epidermis. Sheesh.

This stuff is great for your hands and body. Use it for a few days, and your body will feel softer and smoother, and loved. Give it a try. You’ll thank us.

Contains: Natural Sea Salt, Shea Nut Butter, Cocoa Butter, Sesame Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Sunflower Oil, Organic Rose Petals, Rose Fragrance Oil, Citric Acid.

Body Gelato is made fresh daily. Remember to store in a cool, dark place, and use within 3 – 4 weeks of purchase.

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(604) 875-0611
4391 Main Street, Vancouver, BC, V5V 3R1

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Located on trendy Main Street in Vancouver, Canada, Olive+Wild features a curated selection of local artists, international design and exceptional gifts. Owner Bella creates a unique shopping experience by integrating edgy with classic and creating a thoughtful blend of trends and concepts.

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Olive+Wild brings a fresh approach to your gifting and home decor. We love what we do and are passionate about our products and clients. Presenting local artists, potters and ceramicists from around British Columbia alongside a hand picked selection of global design companies, we hope you will find the perfect something for any occasion.

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